Former President, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida has said that he wanted a quiet wedding for his last daughter, Halima who is wedding Friday. He said his intention was to have everybody, irrespective of class, come for the wedding without hindrance by security agents or his personal staff. A close source at Babangida’s Hill Top residence said on Friday that the former president actually delayed sending out invitation for this reason. ”Though we have the invitation cards ready, it was delayed to give room for very short time for anybody to start thinking of an elaborate event. ”Maigida started calling personal friends last two weeks while a selected group of persons received their cards few days ago. ”Anyway, we have arranged that everybody will be taken care of on this day. Different venues have been arranged for guests to participate,” the source said. Heavy security presence is noticed in Minna as the state Governor, Alhaji Abubakar Bel...